Friday, October 29, 2010

Rising Star Awards

The Coulson Organisation, were overjoyed to team up with their Liverpool and Gloucester offices at St James’s Park to celebrate the rising stars in their offices.

The Rising Star awards are highly sought after as they show appreciation and acknowledgement for the recipient’s hard work within the organisation. The day was extremely successful seeing two rising stars from each office take the esteemed awards.

There were also visits from some of the most successful people within the company to discuss their top tips and ideas to continue with their efforts after becoming a rising star as well as giving the more established team members encouragement and acknowledgement for their efforts throughout the year.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Joe Arkley and Dave Coulson raise money for National Deaf Children's Society with sky dive

Joe Arkley and Dave Coulson of the Coulson Organisation have raised over £1200 for the National Deaf Children's Society by sky diving from 12,000 feet.

The jump included climbing to just over 12,000 feet in a light aircraft, 45 seconds of free fall at 120 mph (straight down) and then deploying the main canopy at 5,000 feet.

"We'd both never done one before and fancied the challenge, whilst at the same time raising money for a great cause," said Dave Coulson, Managing Director of the Coulson Organisation. "Jumping out of the plane was probably one of the most terrifying/ exhilarating experiences of my life.
"The 45 seconds of freefall was a liberating experience but when the paracute opened and we went from 120mph straight down to 20mph (in only a second) we were left with a couple of bruises but it made the rest of the decent seem strangely calm after such a manic start."